These factsheets have been published to give teachers in second level schools in Ireland clear and concise information on dyslexia, how it affects students and how schools and teachers can help. With dyslexia affecting approximately one in ten people, there are many thousands of students with dyslexia in Irish second level schools. For some, the difficulties may be so severe they are receiving extra support through additional teaching. The majority depend on help from mainstream teachers.
The factsheets are a starting point. Factsheet 18 on resources gives information about books, teaching resources and websites which deal with the topic in detail. In particular several books and websites are highlighted that could be considered essential for staff in all second level schools.
How to use the pack
Some factsheets are relevant for all staff. These include:
- What is dyslexia?
- Understanding the educational psychological assessment.
- General classroom strategies.
- Developing reading and comprehension skills across the curriculum.
- Developing vocabulary and writing skills across the curriculum.
- Making information more accessible.
- Resources.
Many of the teaching approaches and strategies that support the student with dyslexia are also of benefit to the general student body. N. MacKay says in the book Dyslexia, Successful Inclusion in the Secondary School: ‘Dyslexia-friendly policies also enable schools become more effective and improves performance of all pupils. This is the power of the dyslexia friendly approach that changes made on behalf of dyslexic pupils can benefit all’. The British Dyslexia Association in the Dyslexia Friendly Schools – Good Practice Guide says ‘Dyslexia-friendly teaching techniques will be helpful to all students, while the students with dyslexia may not be able to learn effectively without them’.
Other factsheets are more specific such as those on educational choices, maths and languages. It is hoped that school management would give copies of the relevant factsheets to all teachers depending on the subjects they teach.
Factsheet 16 has tips for parents on how they can support the student. Factsheet 17 is for students on study techniques and online resources.
The Factsheets are available for free download on the website www.dyslexiacourses.ie and www.dyslexia.ie They are updated on an annual basis.
The factsheets were first written in 2013 by Mary Ball, an educational psychologist who has worked with Dyslexia Association of Ireland (DAI) for many years and Wyn McCormack, a guidance counsellor and special educational needs teacher.
Wyn, together with Deirdre McElroy, a former educational psychologist who worked with NEPS, offer courses on dyslexia to teachers as well as information nights for parents on how they can support the student. They also offer study workshops for senior cycle students. Full details are available at www.dyslexiacourses.ie.
The Dyslexia Association of Ireland provides courses for teachers, adults with dyslexia, and parents at venues throughout Ireland as well as seminars on assistive technology and study skills seminars for students. Details of their courses are available on the website www.dyslexia.ie
For teachers interested in further qualifications there is Master of Education in Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia) available in St. Patrick’s College, Dublin City University. It is part-time two-year level 9 programme. The first graduates of this course have set up Dyslexia Specialists Ireland www.dysi.ie
Factsheets on Dyslexia for Second Level Schools (All Factsheets updated on 27th July 2023)
2. Screening and Identification
3. Understanding the psycho-educational assessment report
4. The assessment report and its implications for learning
5. Supports for students with dyslexia in Irish Education
6. School policies to support the student with dyslexia
7. General classroom strategies for mainstream teachers
8. Developing reading and comprehension skills across the curriculum
9. Developing vocabulary and writing skills across the curriculum
10. Mathematics: dyslexia and dyscalculia
11. Teaching mathematics to students with dyslexia and/or dyscalculia
12. Teaching languages to students with dyslexia
13. Educational choices for students with dyslexia
14. Making information accessible, the dyslexia-friendly style guide
15. Computers and assistive technology
16. How parents can support the student with dyslexia
17. Study tips for the student with dyslexia
18. Useful resources
Download Factsheets 1 to 18 as one PDF
Other Downloads
Useful Websites , APPS and resources for Teachers (Updated July 2023)
Asking for Help form
List of indicators from Task Force Report on Dyslexia
Ten study tips for the Junior Certificate Student with dyslexia
Useful websites on study skills, revision notes and examination preparation (Updated July 2023)
How Parents can help the primary school child with dyslexia